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Founded in 2019 by Charlène Lambert, A Week Abroad is a collection of travel books for living like a local.  

© A Week Abroad

After working as a producer for advertising agencies in France and abroad, the founder decided to reinvent travel. Fascinated by cultures from all over the world, her guiding principle is to “open minds, create social links, and promote local economies” for responsible tourism.  

© A Week Abroad

A Week Abroad is both a photography book, a travel book, and a travel guide. Throughout these pages, we meet entrepreneurs, chefs, craftspeople, creative people, and nature lovers. On the menu? Local products, crafts, and breathtaking landscapes. The silver photographs and reports tell the stories of the inhabitants of these many places. 

© A Week Abroad
© A Week Abroad

Charlène’s goal? To help “travelers curious about experiences and encounters, to discover the inhabitants and to benefit from their authentic recommendations” through interviews, address books, and detachable maps. As for example with the great region of Alentejo in Portugal: “Travelling in Alentejo is above all about slowing down the pace, taking the time to enjoy the silence. In this guide, we follow in the footsteps of Margarida Adonis, manager of the Fabrica Alentejana de Lanificios, Joao Rosado, olive oil producer and many others.

A new travel guide for curious and authentic epicureans.  


Become a contributor and participate in the development of these beautiful books: https://fr.aweekabroad.com/contact 

Flora di Carlo