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Veronica isn’t very talkative when it comes to her persona. “I’d simply prefer to be known as Linearcurvature,” she warns. A graduate of New York’s Parsons School of Design, she didn’t embrace the arts she’d studied once out of school until she took up photography four years ago. “I ended up going into social work after graduation, and no one really liked my photos until one day my husband told me I should try again, after looking at my old work. »

Linearcurvature’s pictures are of ghostly buildings. “I love the way architecture is so abundant and unique everywhere you go. It also changes with the light. I like simple, minimal things in life, so it’s only natural that I try to find geometric shapes in the city, through architecture. (…) I used to like newer, more modern buildings, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to appreciate Brutalist architecture. It seems simple at first glance, but as you spend more time, the light and shade create more. You learn to appreciate the details: where the architect has placed objects and how light plays an important role.” And by the way, why architecture “When I was a child, I was always fascinated by airplanes, so naturally I’d look up at the sky.” While studying in New York, her eyes, searching for the heavens, came face to face with the architecture of the Big Apple. “Since then, I’ve found architecture fascinating, and I love the fact that behind the walls are so many stories.”

Lisa Agostini
