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Sabrina Ratté, an imagination without borders

Do you see it, this space built between dream and science fiction? Do you see these bodies, flowing and majestic sculptures of a species with features so close to our own? Sabrina Ratté, internationally exhibited Canadian artist, offers us, with her work, the manifestations of a captive mind of the digital image. Her colorful universe is composed of places navigating between architecture and pure light, of bodies moving between human and animal appearance, of universes between real and fictional with surrealist figuration. With her, photography and printing are mixed with 3D animation and virtual reality. As a multimedia image creator, digital artist, photographer, and video artist, Sabrina Ratté redefines the boundaries of the medium as much as those of representation.

“Aurea – Sabrina Ratté” – La Gaîté Lyrique 

3bis, rue Papin, Paris 3e

Until July 10, 2022

Represented by the Charlot Gallery




Ana Bordenave