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Trying to seize something that runs away, a form that disintegrates, catching the movement… it is this impossible task that, from the top of mountains, whether it is raining, winding or snowing, armed with his pencils and brushes and his beautiful fervor, Jean-Baptiste Née pursues relentlessly. He is the follower of a long line of outdoor painters who have tried to steal from the clouds some sumptuous ornaments, some beautiful pieces of these skies in perpetual motion… He is a hero among his fellow photographers… Here are some of the new poets of clouds and smoke – lands conducive to illumination and distortion, trap images (with Gilbert Garcin and Arno Rafael Minkkinen), graphic motifs (with Yamamoto Masao, Michael Kenna, and Bernard Plossu), and metaphorical landscapes (with Christopher Taylor, Jungjin Lee, and Pentti Sammallahti).

Exhibition Clouds 

Until April 2nd 

Camera Obscura Gallery – 268, bd Raspail, Paris XIV – www.galeriecameraobscura.fr

Stéphanie Dulout