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Alex Prager, splitting the crowd 

Alex Prager’s images leave you with a strange impression: when you face her Crowds, which are spread out over the entire height of the wall, you might think, for a second, that you are in the presence of photographs taken on the spot. But the characters have too fixed a look, the composition is too sharp and the colors, bright, respond too well.

The photographer and director is, in fact, a master in the art of staging: her shots are meticulously composed and create a disturbance in the viewer. Referring to both Hollywood and experimental films, to pop culture, and street photography, Alex Prager’s works oscillate between reality and fiction, without the viewer knowing if they are in a dream, a memory, or the memory of a dream. 

Her work is currently presented in Still Present! theBerlin Biennale 2022 curated by Kader Attia.

Flora Fettah